FILM The Wholly Family
A busy street in the centre of Naples full of shops selling Nativity scenes. A wealthy American couple and their 10 year-old son try to fight their way through the crowd. The man and his wife bicker about which way to go. The little boy is dragged along reluctantly. He hangs back, attracted by the carved figures. Figures of Pulcinella ... religious images, nativity scenes, good luck amulets ... Little Jack stops at a stall, fascinated by all these extraordinary figures. He touches them carelessly and maliciously, acting like a really naughty brat. While the husband and wife argue they realise that their child is no longer there. They begin desperately searching for him, each blaming the other for what has happened. But the boy is nowhere to be found ... This is the beginning of “The Wholly Family”, a dreamlike journey half reality and half imagination through the most hidden places and symbols of a Naples interpreted by the director, who admirably deciphers its contradictions.
Madre Cristiana Capotondi 
Padre Douglas Dean 
Il figlio Nicolas Connolly 
Venditore di pastori Sergio Solli 
Pulcinella Renato De Maria 
Pulcinella Antonino Iuorio 
Riparatore di bambole Nico Cirasola 

Regia: Terry Gilliam 
Sceneggiatura: Terry Gilliam 
Fotografia: Nicola Pecorini 
Costumi: Gabriella Pescucci e Massimo Cantini Parrini 
Musiche: Daniele Sepe 
Executive Producer: Gabriele Oricchio ed Amy Gilliam 
Line Producer: Simona Vescovi 
Montaggio: Mick Audsley 
Aiuto regia: Sergio Ercolessi 
Scenografia: Elio Maiello 
Effetti Speciali: Digitali VFX 
Supervisor: Gaia Bussolati 
Edi Effetti Digitali Milano 
Suono: Adriano Di Lorenzo 
Foto di Scena: Maria Marin 
Prodotto da Pastificio Garofalo 
Ideazione progetto: PesceRosso Comunicazione e Design 
Casa di Produzione: Blue Door
The Wholly Family
A busy street in the centre of Naples full of shops selling Nativity scenes. A wealthy American couple and their 10 year-old son try to fight their way through the crowd. The man and his wife bicker about which way to go. The little boy is dragged along reluctantly. He hangs back, attracted by the carved figures. Figures of Pulcinella ... religious images, nativity scenes, good luck amulets ... Little Jack stops at a stall, fascinated by all these extraordinary figures. He touches them carelessly and maliciously, acting like a really naughty brat. While the husband and wife argue they realise that their child is no longer there. They begin desperately searching for him, each blaming the other for what has happened. But the boy is nowhere to be found ... This is the beginning of “The Wholly Family”, a dreamlike journey half reality and half imagination through the most hidden places and symbols of a Naples interpreted by the director, who admirably deciphers its contradictions.
Madre Cristiana Capotondi 
Padre Douglas Dean 
Il figlio Nicolas Connolly 
Venditore di pastori Sergio Solli 
Pulcinella Renato De Maria 
Pulcinella Antonino Iuorio 
Riparatore di bambole Nico Cirasola 

Regia: Terry Gilliam 
Sceneggiatura: Terry Gilliam 
Fotografia: Nicola Pecorini 
Costumi: Gabriella Pescucci e Massimo Cantini Parrini 
Musiche: Daniele Sepe 
Executive Producer: Gabriele Oricchio ed Amy Gilliam 
Line Producer: Simona Vescovi 
Montaggio: Mick Audsley 
Aiuto regia: Sergio Ercolessi 
Scenografia: Elio Maiello 
Effetti Speciali: Digitali VFX 
Supervisor: Gaia Bussolati 
Edi Effetti Digitali Milano 
Suono: Adriano Di Lorenzo 
Foto di Scena: Maria Marin 
Prodotto da Pastificio Garofalo 
Ideazione progetto: PesceRosso Comunicazione e Design 
Casa di Produzione: Blue Door
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